Regulatory Transportation Law

RBMConsulting provides services in regulatory transportation law, covering everything from aviation, to marine, to rail matters.

Helping pilots, airlines, and others in the aviation sector contest administrative or enforcement actions/decisions. Such actions/decisions are made pursuant to the Aeronautics Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. A-2), and include:
refusing to issue/amend a Canadian aviation document (CAD) to an airline or pilot.
suspending a CAD on the grounds of aviation safety/security.
imposing an administrative monetary penalty on an individual or corporation in respect of an alleged contravention.
Captains with restrictions on their license, vessels-owners burdened with a monetary penalty - these are some of the marine matters for which you can get counsel.
Get in touch for experienced advice if you are subject to a decision made pursuant to the Canada Marine Act (S.C. 1998, c. 10, the
Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (S.C. 2001, c. 26), or other related legislation. This includes being subject to:
a notice of violation.
a notice of default regarding alleged non-compliance of an assurance of compliance.
a decision not to remove a notation of violation or default.
a suspension, cancellation, or refusal to renew/issue a Canadian maritime document, or notice thereof.

Helping railway companies and related persons appeal administrative and enforcement decisions. These decisions are generally taken pursuant to the Railway Safety Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. 32 (4th Supp.)) or related legislation.
They include:
notices of violation.
orders concerning unauthorized/improperly maintained works.
notices concerning the safety or security of railway operations.
issuance, variation, suspension or cancellation of a company's railway operating certificate.

Let's Work Together
Be it helping you to navigate a trade issue or contest a marine, rail, or aviation-related enforcement measure, the support you need is here.